Get, Set, Fire & Forget


A bot based multichain DEX aggregator specifically designed for TG and X (Twitter) bots. The fastest and the most sophisticated algorithm designed for Degens and Professional Traders alike.

About X BOT

MultiChain | MultiDEX

MR. ELON MUSK is transforming twitter ( X ) into the most powerful Socio-Fintech platform. The future is AI powered bots. Leveraging MR. ELON's this dream, we are building the ultimate bot for trading. The X BOT will be the most futuristic AI powered MultiChain, multiDEX Bot on TG, X, Discord and other social media platforms.

Powered by AI, X BOT will function as a bot based multiChain multiDEX aggregator. Just like 1inch transformed the DEX landscape on ETH chain, X BOT will change how all Degens and Professional traders trade on multiple chains and on multiple DEXes using a single X BOT from any of their social media accounts.

Revenue Share

TRANSACTION FEE SHARE - Holders of $XBOT token receive 50% of transaction fees. Rewards are proportional to the amount of tokens held. Rewards are calculated in 1-hour intervals and claimable after 24 hours. Transferring more than 200000 tokens between every 1-hour interval will result in forfeit of your Transaction Fee Share. Must hold 50000 $XBOT tokens to be eligible.

TRADING REWARDS - Trade and Earn. More you trade, more you earn. Traders are rewarded for trading using the XBOT. Trading rewards are proportional to the trading volume of the user.

Supply Information
Total Supply
Token Name

Snipe. Trade. Profit.

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Copyright © 2023, X BOT EXCHANGE All Rights Reserved.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.